WeB, Mobile

iTrust Wellness: New Patient Intake Forms

In this project, we focus on providing prospective patients a seamless onboarding experience while maintaining the ability to intake crucial patient information.


1 Year 2 mOnths


iTrust Wellness Group, a mental wellness provider based in South Carolina, were looking to lower their new user drop-off rates by updating their new patient onboarding forms.

The Problem

We discovered that the current form design was not enjoyable for users to use, due to the outdated design and inconsistent usability. New users often left prior to completing the onboarding form.


Before starting the design work, I conducted a brief competitive analysis to understand the successes and failures of current market competitors’ onboarding process.


Most companies created a onboarding user flow that didn’t feel overwhelming due to the simplicity of their questionnaire, quality choice of wording, and clean/minimal UI design.


The same companies failed to intake important and crucial medical information, thus possibly leading users, who may not qualify for their care, through an unnecessary onboarding process.

Establishing the User Flow

We developed an efficient user flow that successfully gathered essential information from new patients while streamlining the form questionnaire to reduce user strain.


As we progressed, various layout options emerged as top contenders. After carefully listening to the stakeholders' vision, I created rough sketches to visualize the different layouts they had in mind, along with my own ideas to help steer the project's direction.


Building on the initial sketches and incorporating valuable stakeholder feedback, I refined the wireframes through multiple iterations.

The Product

The refined wireframes shaped the final user experience and with the new branding created by The Brand Agency, our product is ready to greet our first time users.

Final Thoughts

After collaborating with iTrust Wellness for over a year and a half, I have found immense satisfaction in our shared commitment to user-centered design. Together, we’ve focused on creating a thoughtful, detail-oriented experience that prioritizes the needs and emotions of our patients.

Throughout this process, we've recognized that patients often feel overwhelmed when asked to provide personal information. This insight has driven us to continually refine and simplify this critical onboarding experience.

Looking ahead, we’re working on the next iteration, which will feature streamlined copy and the removal of certain pages, allowing us to gather essential information outside of the initial onboarding. I’m eager to see how these updates enhance user engagement and help us expand our reach to even more patients.

Let's build something together, get in touch!

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